If you are passionate about health and fitness, then you can make money out of your passion by starting a health and fitness blog. There are many people who search internet for health and fitness tips. As someone who is passionate about it, you can help them and at the same time make a decent sum of money out of it. Now that you have made up your mind about starting a blog where you will write about health and fitness tips, the next major step is deciding a major niche topic that you will cover in your blog. For this, you need to sit with yourself and understand your specialty. You can start a blog where you will provide tips to transform your body into an athletic body from obese, you can start giving tips about health that everyone must follow in order to prevent diseases. Understanding your niche and doing extensive research will not only help you make your readers understand better but will also help you in making your blog different from the tonnes of other similar blogs you cover the same niche. One of the best practices to figure out the sub topic that you must cover in your blog is making yourself understand the topic in one sentence. If you are able to summarise and understand it, you can easily make your readers understand it. After you have established yourself in the field, you can monetize your blog by running a Google ad sense campaign or by featuring sponsored content or posting advertisements for relevant products such as activewear. It is very much possible to fetch a considerable sum of money from a health and fitness blog. To keep everything up and running, plan the content you will post through the month. Planning at the beginning of each month would save you from the hassle of coming up with topics each day and the content rut that every blogger faces once in his/her life.